Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hey everyone...and welcome to "Fun, Flirty and Fashionable". My name is Amy and I am 42 year old legal assistant who just happens to love fashion and beauty products. I am working on getting a new website up and running and will hopefully be able to transfer all of this with me.

Growing up, I was the quintessential tomboy. I hated dresses. I was more comfortable in a pair of jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. I hated make-up. I could not understand what the purpose was of "painting" one's face every month. I remember watching my mom get ready every morning and pulling out the various little bottles and sticks and sponges as she dabbed this and that on her face in the mirror.

I think my first foray into the world of real make-up occurred when I was about 13 or 14 years old. Aside from the obligatory stocking stuffers of flavored chapstick and maybe, just maybe, a bottle of nail polish, I never owned make-up. Then one Christmas, my grandmother got me a make-up kit from Estee Lauder. I still remember that plastic tray that was filled with an eye shadow palette, lipsticks, blushes, lip liners, mascara and eyeliners. It was a huge booty of cosmetics and the colors seemed to draw me in. I had no clue how to put any of it on properly, but I was excited to try everything out. Compound this lack of knowledge with the fact that I wore glasses with lenses the size of the Hubble Telescope and you can imagine the awkward transition that was coming.

As an 80's baby, make-up was a huge deal for girls. The brighter and heavier it was, the better. Add the big hair (I think we probably should have owned stock in Aqua Net back then) and I was slowly becoming a woman. I began to pay attention to what other girls wore (yet, I still marched to my own beat). I began taking time to do my hair and make-up every day. I went from being the girl who wanted to beat all the boys at sports into the girl that wanted those boys to notice her. I wish I could say that they did, but alas, I was not part of the "cool" crowd. All good - I got my karma 30 years later.

Fast forward to 2013...I am obviously older, wiser (and slightly heavier). Over the last 20+ years, I have discovered a lot about myself. Shopping has become a hobby for me (my bank account does not agree with this sentiment). I love to experiment with new make-up, hence the reason why I have scored so much free stuff through the Ulta Rewards Card program. Goodwill is a freaking awesome place to find clothes at a fraction of the price. Six years ago, I discovered roller derby. Welcome to the world of fishnets, muscular thighs and booty shorts. I found a confidence within myself that I did not know I even had. I am finally comfortable in my own skin. (photo courtesy of Joe Rollerfan)

Well that is a little bit about me. My main reason for this blog is to just have fun sharing my shopping booty and plethora of make-up that I have accumulated (and still continue to accumulate). I will post outfits and make-up reviews and tips. I will let you peek into my small corner of the world. Hope you enjoy!!!


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